domingo, 23 de diciembre de 2007
jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2007
In order to help students to understand English Grammar better I will design an activity that seems attractive and easily understandable. Grammar would seem very boring if we only teach it as it is usually taught and many students would claim that study grammar is horrible. In this web quest I will propose a revision of the main points of grammar that should be already learnt by the students. This activity will be addressed to the students of the first year of Bachillerato that have an advanced level in English. So this web quest has a theoretical part in which there is an explanation of the differences uses of each one (reported speech, passive voice, IF clauses and gerund and infinitive), and a practical one, in which there are some exercises to practice the different uses.
First of all, the class will be divides into 4 groups. Each group will have a theme that they have to choose or will be done by drawing lots.
When each group has its theme they will be given some resources to read the theory and others to do the exercises. After doing them, they will expose to the rest of the class what their conclusions are and the main characteristics of these points given.
The pupils have to choose between these topics:
· Reported speech
· Passive voice
· IF clauses
· Gerund and infinitive.
After being assigned with one topic they have to read the theory and make sure that all of them understand it. After that, they will have some exercises to do that will be given to the teacher who will evaluate them.
Each group has to do a power point presentation exposing the main characteristics of their topic. These presentations will be done one a day, so the other students have to take notes and show them to the teacher who will evaluate them as part of the final mark. Finally the partners will evaluate the work of the group that does the presentation; of course, this mark will be taken into account but will not be determinant.
The teacher will give some written resources to the pupils that can be theory or practice but he/she will give also some internet links in order the students get used to use the computer to study.
· Reported speech
o Grammar:
o Exercises:
· Passive voice
o Grammar:
o Exercises:
· IF clauses
o Grammar:
o Exercises:
· Gerund and infinitive.
o Grammar:
o Exercises:
domingo, 25 de noviembre de 2007
ultimando??? la webquest
Pues hoy me ha apetecido actualizar porq me estaba acordando de todas las cosas que hablamos el viernes y el sabado en el CAP...chicas sois la leche, menos mal que tengo conversaciones "trancendentales" con vosotras durante los dias del CAP porque no se que seria de mi!!! JaJa esas conversaciones sobre ropa y complementos y sobre novios JAJAJAJA aprovecho pa mandarle un besote al mio q es un cielo...(si Ainhoa soy una de esas parejas insoportables JAJAJAJA).
martes, 20 de noviembre de 2007
despues de mil intentos, y no exagero, he podido colocar mi foto en el blog asiq por fin ya le puedo poner cara. La foto es en los lagos de Somiedo un sitio precioso y muy recomendable aunq la ruta todo el rato cuesta arriba se hace un poco cansada. Bueno si sois muy vagos o muy comerciales (como diria alguien q yo me se) pues podeis ir en coche hasta el primer lago y despues vais caminando hasta los demás, pero os recomiendo lo primero porque una buena caminata nunca viene mal y menos si se sale desde Torrestio con UBiña de fondo. Despues de esta recomendación poco más, espero q la siguiente intervencion sea para poner la WebQuest que tengo que hacer del CAP.
Un besin